Background: This coffee originates from areas within the Tolima Department in Colombia, a region know for its coffee production and the importance of this product for the livelihood of its people. It is grown at an altitude range of 1500-2000 meters above sea level. Numerous small-holders are responsible for the growing of this coffee , which is produced through the Multicoop-Asojuntos.
Process: Washed
Notes: Raisin - Sugarcane
Amount: 12 ounces roasted whole bean coffee
*This coffee was sourced green through Genuine Origin and roasted by us at Cypress Street Roasters.
Background: This coffee originates from areas within the Tolima Department in Colombia, a region know for its coffee production and the importance of this product for the livelihood of its people. It is grown at an altitude range of 1500-2000 meters above sea level. Numerous small-holders are responsible for the growing of this coffee , which is produced through the Multicoop-Asojuntos.
Process: Washed
Notes: Raisin - Sugarcane
Amount: 12 ounces roasted whole bean coffee
*This coffee was sourced green through Genuine Origin and roasted by us at Cypress Street Roasters.
Background: This coffee originates from areas within the Tolima Department in Colombia, a region know for its coffee production and the importance of this product for the livelihood of its people. It is grown at an altitude range of 1500-2000 meters above sea level. Numerous small-holders are responsible for the growing of this coffee , which is produced through the Multicoop-Asojuntos.
Process: Washed
Notes: Raisin - Sugarcane
Amount: 12 ounces roasted whole bean coffee
*This coffee was sourced green through Genuine Origin and roasted by us at Cypress Street Roasters.